Our dedicated staff members serve Rowan County Literacy Council clients and constituents. Our employees encourage you to contact them with your questions, comments and offers to help the literacy cause.
Main Office:
201 W. Fisher St. Salisbury, NC 28144
*Our office is on the 2nd floor of the Rowan Public Library

Christina Rary
Executive Director
Christina Rary is an accomplished educator, director, and community leader. After graduating from UNC-Chapel Hill, Christina taught in Charlotte and later in Rowan-Salisbury Schools. In the non-profit sector, Christina served as the Executive Director of Family Crisis Council. Christina is also a graduate of the Leadership Rowan program and currently serves as the City of Salisbury Human Relations Commission Chair and a director on the board for Rotary Club of Salisbury.

Samantha Jones
Program Coordinator
Samantha Jones has been with the Literacy Council since 2021, and a resident of Salisbury since 2019. Prior to working for RCLC, she was a high school social studies teacher and manager for an outdoor ministry site.